Setting Sail towards a Bright Future Together
Time: 2019-06-28

Speech by Dean and Professor Men Honghua

At the 2019 Commencement of the School of Political Science & 

International Relations, Tongji University

Dear students, parents and faculty members:

In the midsummer, everything is full of vigor. Today, we solemnly hold the 2019 Commencement of the School of Political Science & International Relations of Tongji University. It is not only to cheer for you, but also to see you off towards a bright future. Hereby, on behalf of the School, I'd like to congratulate you on your successfully completing studies with hard work and stamina and expect you to open a new chapter with determination and perseverance. With your sail piercing the clouds, it is the time to mount the wind, break the waves, and traverse the vast, rolling sea! Let us say goodbye and extend our best wishes to you!

Dear Students,

The years are peaceful and warm as ever. I still remember when you just came to Tongji, which has gone through many vicissitudes but still regards self-renewal as its mission, with dreams in heart, and expected to learn and gain in school life. I also remember the efforts we made in keeping the pace with the times in order to help realize your dreams. Since then, we have launched comprehensive reforms, strengthened discipline construction, and made progress in many aspects such as institutional development, talent cultivation, scientific research, social services, and international exchanges. The ancients said: 'Those who sail on a flat boat are stable in their lives; those who take the main road are successful in their career.'The School’s 'stability and success' comes from both the hard work of the faculty and your active participation. Our serial lectures are becoming better because of your participation. Our teaching reform has achieved initial success because of your positive feedback. Our social services are highly recognized because of your enthusiastic dedication. Our contests are fruitful because of your brilliance. And our international exchange is everlasting because of your vitality. At the School of Political Science & International Relations, we put students first and believe we can forge ahead only by reforming from the bottom. In the orientation ceremony three years ago, I said, “The School will reform to pave the way for your growth, and meanwhile, expect you to add to the glory of the School.” The reform and development of the School in these years make us proud; so do your hard work and growth. And the interaction between the two helps establish our exemplary role in the reform and development of Tongji’s liberal arts and a good reputation in the academic circle. Over these years, we have established good relations and created lasting memories.

We stand together and pursue reform and innovation. Looking back, the world transformation and China's rise have interacted in a new way, and the School's development and the growth of faculty and students are in a benign cycle. In recent years, we have jointly worked to 'build the School on sound institutions'. We have focused on talent cultivation and been dedicated to institutional innovation. The documents posted on the bulletin board in the corridor of the School not only deliver messages, but also display our belief in 'building up norms to achieve accomplishment'. In recent years, we have jointly promoted 'prospering the School through academic excellence'. Our teachers and students have made fruitful scientific research results, and our School has won its reputation rapidly. In particular, we have been strict to the quality of dissertations and gradually ranked top in terms of dissertation quality in related majors among universities in Shanghai. We have reasons to believe, the graduation thesis is worth cherishing for a lifetime and the experience of finishing it will be an unforgettable memory for each of you. In recent years, we have jointly focused on 'making the School stronger through discipline development'. We have regarded discipline construction as the foundation of serving our teachers and students. On January 8, 2018, the first-level discipline doctoral programs in political science were established upon approval. On July 5, 2018, the Tongji Base for Research on International Cyberspace Governance under the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) & the Ministry of Education (MOE) was established upon approval, becoming the first national research base for the liberal arts of Tongji University. In June 2019, the School was listed as one of the first colleges under the 'Three All-rounds Education' comprehensive reform pilot projects in Tongji University, starting a new journey for its international development. Many of the milestone achievements show that the discipline of political science at Tongji has become a rising star in China.In recent years, we have put forward and abide by the basic values of 'openness, fairness and justice'. We have established systematic and scientific standards for the evaluation of scholarship, and adopted objective and transparent selection procedure for international communication and international student exchange programs. We have won recognition and support for our timely publicizing relevant information and being open to public opinions. From 'building up strength' in the past, to “seizing the opportunity to develop” at present, and even to “rising on all fronts” in the future, it is undoubtedly owing to all faculty members and students of the School sticking together through thick and thin. More importantly, with your day-by-day growth, we are fully confident that such perseverance and persistence is not only a requirement of the development of the School, but also a firm guarantee for its future.

Dear Students,

'What's past is prologue.' This quote from Shakespeare is suitable not only for the School that persists in deepening reforms, but also for all of you who are ready to graduate and step into a new chapter of life.At this moment, I'd like to share with you some of my personal understandings.

First, be a kind and grateful person.'Good-hearted people will be blessed by the Heaven.' Kindness is not only the lifelong pursuit of persons of noble character, but also a priceless investment for social elites. Kind people have a clear conscience and act calmly, for they know 'the sea refuses no rivers, so it has a large capacity; and the mountain is austere because it has no selfish desires.' Kind people emphasize showing gratitude and paying back, because the former is a relay of good deeds while the latter is an interaction with good works. In this way, we can build a positive social network and pursue a happy life.

Second, be a person who believes in and abides by positive values. General Secretary Xi Jinping once pointed out, “It requires a lot of power to push forward human civilization and national development. And the most lasting and profound power is the core values acknowledged by all.” For our School and University, without appropriate values, the value of development, however rapid it is, will be discounted; and for individuals, only by abiding by core values and other positive social values and taking the basic norms of human ethics as life rituals can we truly have the foundation for creating a life instead of making a living.

Third, be a person who keeps feet on the ground. You will face all kinds of temptations and motivations when you leave the university. There is no shortcut to self-achievement; and the only way to success is diligence. Zeng Guofan said: 'Don't ask for the harvest, but ask the hard work.' Many politicians have stressed that the secret of success is 'do what you ought, and come what can'. Successful people become clear about their own scope of rights and responsibilities at work and on this basis serve the public. They are devoted to work with inner peace and then rewarded with achievement and happiness.

Fourth, be a person who is willing to give. Simplicity is a great, timeless power. Tagore said, a pure heart is a happy heart; love becomes more when it's shared. The best way to benefit oneself is to benefit others, rather than shamelessly seeking personal gain. It is written in The Book of the Later Han that 'People in the world know to take is to take, but do not know to give is to take.' There are people who just want to maximize their own interests, but don't know that to give is to gain. That is why they always fall into the stalemate that 'Those who seek benefits will suffer a loss'. I hope that you will be helpful to others, teams and the society, and not do harms to others and finally to yourself. To give wisely and kindly, you will be rewarded even more.

Fifth, be a person who loves life and lives gracefully. As you leave school and enter society, you will begin to live independently. Create and enjoy your life instead of just earning a living. Move ahead without haste in your journey of life. I hope you will follow a healthy daily schedule, read enough, socialize positively, and develop a hobby. To live gracefully is not to pretend but to experience, like a lotus quietly blooms. Endless cases tell us, those who endure life are troubled and those who enjoy life are contented.

Dear Students,

Facing the future, please smile to life and stay calm! To embark on a new journey, you will inevitably face uncertainty of the future. However, uncertainty means more possibilities; and challenge is also opportunity for growth. Your creativity will thus be stimulated.

Facing the future, please remain true to your original aspiration and keep your mission firmly in mind! I believe the days spent at the School will make you more confident. I hope this confidence can help you navigate your life. At the same time, do not forget that your teachers here are your reliable support and your classmates here are your trustworthy mates. You can expect for a promising future and great achievements that make us proud!

I wish you, the future of the country and the world, to make a difference!

Thank you!