A delegation led by Zheng Liqiao, Deputy Director-General of the Policy Planning Department of the MOFA visits SPSIR
Time: 2019-12-19

      On the morning of December 19, 2019, accompanied by section chief Li Zhongzhou and official Liu Xinyuan, Zheng Liqiao, Deputy Director-General of the Policy Planning Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Vice Chairman and Secretary-General of the Society of Diplomatic History of the People’s Republic of China, visited Tongji University to investigate the School of Political Science & International Relations (SPSIR). Dean Men Honghua, Associate Dean Zhong Zhenming, and Professor Li Bin and Professor Qiu Huafei, chief experts on two major research projects in philosophy and social sciences of the MOE dedicated to the study of the Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy, had a discussion with the delegation led by Zheng.

      Zheng introduced the purpose of this visit and related conditions. Dean Men introduced to the delegation the research team, focus and features of SPSIR and the Institute for China & World Studies of Tongji University. The two sides had in-depth exchanges on the innovations in China’s diplomatic theory, the practices of major country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics, and the study of China’s diplomatic history.